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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Thankful booty bustin tidbits

Today I am thankful for the blogging community. I have connected with so many different people that have given me so many fantastic ideas, input, and inspiration. Whoever would have thought that someday I would have 'friends' scattered throughout the continent? Not me. Through blogging I have met runners, non-runners, moms, single gals that I can live vicariously through, people nothing like me, people everything like me, funny people, serious people, and everything in between. You guys are my link to the world while I am home with my kids and dog. The entertainment in reality that reality TV just doesn't offer.

I'm SUPER thankful for challenge that I finally signed up for today: Bootie Buster Challenge. Yeah buddy!! Check it out!

With all of the holidays coming up and my family in full birthday season, I have never been able to keep clear of cake, pie, cookies, and all the other goodies that have become synonymous with the last quarter of every year. This is of course in exception to 2007 where I displayed commendable willpower against the mass of pies at Grandma's at Thanksgiving and steered clear of three birthday cakes. Granted, this is only because I had gestational diabetes and my doctor would yell at me if my blood sugars were all out of whack. (Yeah, testing four times a day and spending a half hour at the end of the week going over the readings with the clinician was not fun.) I am hoping that this year with fairly clear cut goals fitness and health-wise, I will be able to keep myself in check, but at least if I can't, this challenge will provide the motivation that I need to keep moving and maybe burn some of those excessive calories off.

Two pounds lighter, twenty more to go....can I drop ten before 01/01/2011? We shall see.......


  1. awesome! Good luck with your challenge! I'm trying to come up with one of my own for the holidays :)

    Also, congrats on the 2 pound loss!

  2. Thanks Alanna! Oh hey, I got this apron that totally made me think of you. I will have to get a pic of it so you can see. =o)

  3. I'm excited for the challenge too! My husband calls my blog buddies my "imaginary friends". I appreciate this community so much too. And yes, you can lose 10 lbs by 1/1/11/!
